Tips on maximizing your safari while you are with children in Tanzania
Who said that you can’t travel with children? A lot of parents whenever they think of travelling, they always get stuck and even sometimes just abandon the tour because of what to do with the children. They don’t want to leave the children at home and they are unsure whether they can travel with children.
The reality is it is highly possible to travel with children on your safari to Tanzania and this could be the best moment to create more family bonds as you experience life together in a completely different environment. Yes, much as it is possible to travel with children, it could be a challenge as well to travel with children however if you follow some of these tips, life will surely become easy.
Choose the best travel dates
You must be able to anticipate when you would really like to travel. You must pick a travel time that does not inconvenience everyone. Remember, children have school and you also have work to think about. The best time to travel with children would be when children are in their vacation, holiday.
 That is the best time when they are free and for your case, you can always ask for leave anytime. I don’t know so much about your work place policies but in most companies, it is possible to pick up the leave forms any time you want as long as you still have leave days.
 Choosing the best travel dates shall enable to make prior preparations; you shall be able to get deals on air tickets, accommodation, transportation and others if you decide to prepare early enough.
Count the number of other people to travel with.
You must be sure of the number of people you are to travel with. Life is interesting, you might plan to travel with only your nucleus family members but before you know it, the aunties, uncle, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, and all acquaintances might get involved and voice their need to join you.

 In essence, you should know the number of people you are travelling with to give you enough bargaining power on the accommodation and transportation means while in Tanzania. Remember, the tour operator’s role is to suggest for you the available options and you choose the best convenient ones. If you don’t make a choice, they surely shall help in that area.
Choose children activities.
Much as game drive might sound possible with children, they might get bored at some aspects along the way. The best to keep them alive it to include children activities in the things-to-do; you could tell them that you shall do a city tour and they get to enjoy some aspects of children activities.
I mean try to get something that shall keep all the children’s hopes alive and waiting for that experience. They shall surely love it that way.
Get enough rest.
Children always get tired and they need enough sleep to be positive about the next day. You wouldn’t want to burn them down with heavy fatigue. Keep them alive and healthy by making sure that they sleep early in order to be positive about the next day.
Apply all the malaria prevention techniques.
Make sure that you carry anti-malaria tablets, an insecticide, and that you sleep under a mosquito net. Children easily catch diseases and it shall be a nightmare to have your children get sick on your safari in Tanzania. It is possible to have children free from diseases and it is not that every time you travel with children, they are going to get sick of these maladies.

I’m just giving preventive measures such that you don’t have to witness any kind of sickness experience.
Plan the children’s eating program.
Children with food are inseparable. You must make sure that children don’t get hungry and thirsty. Carry some food with you in terms of snacks just to keep them enjoying while on the trip; they shall surely love it.
Travel safely with your children by booking the best of our safaris; book your safari today with us today.